Are Your Secrets Making You Sick?

Are Your Secrets Making You Sick?

The ongoing parade of celebrities and public officials, coupled with our salacious 24/7 news cycle, is a dangerous combination. So many secrets being exposed begs the question, “ What were they thinking?” Actually, they probably weren’t thinking.  Celebrities often...
How Does Being  Late Affect Your Life?

How Does Being Late Affect Your Life?

It’s time to come clean.  I’ve been punctually challenged most of my life, and I’m finally ready to do something about it.  Not that I haven’t tried before. This all started when I was a teenager.  Years of experience analyzing this habit  — and  a master’s...
How do you feed your emotional hunger?

How do you feed your emotional hunger?

You know the feeling.  Those pangs that sear through your soul. You’re hungry … again. It’s not the physical kind, though.  It’s emotional. So, how do you satisfy those cravings? You may not even be aware of what is gnawing at you.  Everything on the outside seems to...