Pop quiz: What’s the great equalizer in life? The one thing that puts all of us on a level playing field? I’ll give you a hint. It doesn’t make a fashion statement. That’s because it’s that blue checkered hospital gown. In an instant, a Fortune 100 CEO can be...
Do you worry too much about what other people think? Before you make a decision, do you run multiple scenarios through your head – to gauge how others will react? Does your happiness depend on others liking and approving of you? Ding, ding, ding. If so, you may be...
This is my 10th Mother’s Day without my mother. And my husband’s eighth without his. It’s always a time of reflection. Sometimes it seems longer, and sometimes it doesn’t seem that long. For many of you, this may be your first, and those “firsts” are tough — whether...
You know the pattern. “If I just send one more email, I’m sure to get their attention.” “My spouse needs reminding … again. On second thought, I’ll just take care of this myself.” “If I can maneuver things so my coworkers’ mistakes are brought to light, the boss will...
It sounds so simple. Just say what’s on your mind. Then why is it so hard? It may well depend on how you’re “wired” – and whether you’re a bulldozer or a sugarcoater. Some of you are very quick to speak – bulldozing your way through conversations. Others hold way...
Maybe it’s a throwback to the hunter/gatherer concept – or a cruel hoax of nature. Whatever the reason, though, the differences in communication between men and women sure make for interesting challenges! Women Speak Twice as Many Words You’ve probably heard the...